Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mummy, who is that man

and why does he look so cross?

This is a newly appointed Convenor of a Canons Committee and the best laid plans which the mice and he presented to General Synod that afternoon had gone completely tits up.

He should think of it as a sort of hazing ritual. A lay delegate, a clergy delegate and a bishop flip a coin in the men's loo to see who'll do the deed this year. And what shall we do? Shall we get the new Convenor liquored up and put him naked on a train for Cornwall? Maybe lure him into a tattoo studio?

Or why not simply defeat his flagship motion from an unexpected corner?

A fine young fellow. You can't help but like the guy and think back fondly back to the years when you were young and your limbs grew all out of proportion and you had these feelings you didn't understand.

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Scottish Episcopal Church
General Synod Meeting

It's been a heck of a week or so. I was down in Glasgow on Thursday, thence to Derbyshire for a conference (more on that later) from Monday until Wednesday and our General Synod has been in session since yesterday morning. Lots of fun and too much travelling. I'm sitting next to the 'naughty corner' of disgruntled clergy who are abstaining and objecting to everything. I'm told that they're not all from Glasgow Diocese but I don't believe it. They've already been referred to as 'the usual suspects' by the chairman of the last session.

Forensic references - sounds like Glasgow to me!

Clearly they will have no portion among the just!

The very contentious 'Congregational Status' Canon has finally been resolved after two years of bitching.

Regularly updated text and audio updates of the proceedings of General Synod can be found HERE.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Whipman Week Service in West Linton

The Whipman and his Lass were piped to church this morning by the West Linton Pipe band. West Linton has a Common Riding as do other communities in the Scottish Borders. It has its roots in quite distant history. Communities would have a 'posse' which went out to maintain boundaries and where necessary to reclaim property and livestock which had been stolen by marauders. Every year the community 'elects' a young local worthy to be the Whipman and he, in turn, names his Lass. Gareth and Tracey are this year's Whipman and Whipman's Lass.

I must really stop wearing my specs on my head. I'm remembering a television show I used to watch as a small child called 'My Favourite Martian'.